Friday, April 29, 2016

Jo's Fourth Book Note

Do you enjoy conversations about books? Is it hard to initiate a conversation about a title you are really enjoying? Some think that reading is a solitary event. Others love to talk about books. With today’s social media, joining a book club is very easy. Some libraries still have the face to face book clubs also.

I remember my anticipation of watching the Oprah Book Club specials on her earlier Oprah shows. I read titles I would not have considered reading if I saw the book just sitting on a shelf. As her format has evolved readers have been encouraged to engage in a diverse selection of fiction and non-fiction reads. If you check her web site and type in book clubs on the search tool, you can find out what is new and favorites of the past. Just saying, Oprah’s love of reading and seeking of understanding the human experience has definitely had an influence on this reader.

Jo’s book note is this.  Some youth do not enjoy the required “Reading Circles” required for their English class.  If you are a parent, remind your teen that it is okay not to like the book. But, focused conversation on something other than the “teen scene” is an essential life skill.

On the flip side of teen readers, try not to stress out when your teen won’t stop talking about a book and its characters. Yes, I have one of those teens in my house. As parents we have a lot of other things to worry about.  We may get bored of hearing their commentary, but humor them. We just might learn something from the conversation. And who knows, maybe they will become a “J.K. Rowling” in their future. That’s my backup retirement hope!

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